Monday, June 9, 2008

Sorry I've been gone for so long again. Life has been too crazy and busy to have even a few spare seconds to think lately.

The pregnancy is going all right. I'm still sick quite a bit, but I've been ok. It is hotter than Hades here so that hasn't helped any. Jeremy had back to back softball games yesterday and that sucked. Especially since they lost both of them. The first one was close, but the second team they played was a bunch of idiots and creamed them. Hopefully we don't have to play that team again for awhile.

My parents came to visit for my birthday last week. It was really nice to see them again and spend some time with them. We went out for my birthday and I got some money and Jeremy bought me a new computer game. The boys got me bath salts and the promise of a quiet bath. We'll see if that ever happens!

We were supposed to have a yard sale last weekend, but we ended up cancelling because of weather and not having any help. Jeremy's parents were supposed to come out, but my MIL's sister ended up having surgery.

It is going to be really hot here this week so I doubt much will get done around here. We've cleaned out the utility room to start drywalling soon. I have the fabric for my next quilt so hopefully I will get to start working on it soon. At least it is nice and cool in my sewing room!